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Signing In & Out:


It is the California law that each child arriving to or departing from the preschool be signed both IN and OUT by an authorized adult who has the Brightwheel app. Once checked in each child must be taken to the classroom and passed on to the teacher's care for the day. For safety reasons, NO child is to walk alone into class.


Pick Up Authorization:


A child may be picked up by adult(s) authorized by the parent.  The Identification and Emergency Information Form provides a place for the parent(s) to indicate those who would be authorized to pick up their child.  If the child is to be picked up by someone not appearing on that list, the parent or guardian must provide the Preschool Director with written, dated authorization before the child can be released from the Center.  Identification (Drivers License) will be required at time of pick up.  Children under the age of 18 cannot take your child from the Center. Please refer to the Parent Handbook for more information regarding our pick up policy.


Sick Policy:


Children will be checked upon arrival for health.  The state of California requires that only healthy children are in attendance.  Keep your child home is he/she:

  • Has had a fever within the last 24 hours

  • Has vomited in the last 24 hours

  • Is taking an antibiotic and has not been on the antibiotic for more than 24 hours

  • Has diarrhea

  • Has eye discharge or crust (a child with conjunctivitis must stay out of school for 24 hours after the prescription of medication and until all redness and discharge are gone)

  • Has a constant cough or runny nose

  • Has a rash unless the doctor approves in writing the child returning to school

  • Is fussy, cranky, whiney or not acting like himself/herself

  • Has head lice, ringworm or impetigo

  • Has symptoms of a communicable disease (sore throat, sniffles, red eyes, head or abdominal ache and/or fever)


Children who are ill cannot remain in the classroom and must be picked up immediately at the office.  Please call the office if your child is unable to attend due to health reasons.  If you child is feeling extremely fatigued you should keep them home to give them rest as they may have the onset of an illness and may be contagious.  Furthermore, your child needs to stay home for a period of twenty-four hours after the fever, diarrhea and/or vomiting is gone without the aid of fever-reducing medicine or any other symptom controlling medicine and/or antibiotics.


If your child is sent home from preschool for any health related concern he/she must stay home for the 24 hour period.


If your child becomes ill at the Center and you are called we ask that you come immediately to pick up your child.  If your child appears ill at the time of drop off you will be asked to take your child home and wait 24 hours to return to the Center.


Every effort is made to keep you informed of any exposure to contagious illnesses.  Exposure Notices are posted in the affected classrooms for the incubation period of the illness.  The Exposure Notices let you know the symptoms of the illness, its general course, steps the teachers will take and the steps you can take at home.  In addition, any additional guidelines required to return to class are listed. 


Reporting an Absence:


Please notify us by messaging your child's teacher via the Brightwheel app. 




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